Thank you to all the well wishes from people regarding Ant and my recent news. I'm still not sure how, when, what... but we'll keep people in the loop.
I've finally finished studying for the time being as well, now being a certified NLP Practioner and clinical hypnotherapist. Yes, I need people to practice on so feel free to drop me a line. Still, I do find it somewhat amusing when people ask me what i've been up to of late, and look at me wondering if i'm joking or not when I tell them that i've been studying to be a hypnotherapist.
I really do feel like the courses have been worth while. I've even started to notice some leadership qualities coming out of me that I didn't realise were there - but they're appearing and feeling entirely natural and ordered. It feels like an exciting period for me lately and i'm ready now to pick up some of the projects I had been working on over the years and get back into them.