SO much news... where to begin... and i'm also conscious of the fact that i'm currently on lunch break at work and got to keep it all within a certain amount of time.
SO let's try to work through some of the recent highlights, of which there are many.
Firstly, I finished my NLP course and i'm now a certified practioner, which is just great. I'm already contemplating what next, thinking that I might do the course to become a certified clinical hypnotherapist as well, which is towards the end of the month.
I did have a rather interesting experience which I shall share with you now. During the course, we were looking at timelines that each individual person has and how you can explore and experiment with those. One such exercise involved asking the unconscious to allow you to go back to the first time you felt certain emotions and, for this story, it involved anger.
However, there are three possible answers the unconscious can give: after birth, birth and pre-birth. Now, we stress that pre-birth may not necessarily literally be pre-birth but it is how the unconscious mind recognizes it.
So, there I was under a mild trance when Deb, my co-worker, asked my subconscious the first time it felt anger and, to my surprise, "pre-birth" came out of my mouth. "How many months?" "Four."
I was rather startled by this, especially since I thought pre-birth was a bit far fetched when Steve was explaining the process to me.
Chatting with my mother the other night, I was telling her about the exercise and how I had answered 'pre-birth' to anger. "Well, I did walk into a robbery in progress when I was having you and had a gun pointed straight at my face", she said. Recalling this story, I asked at what point of her pregnancy had this happened. As you can guess, the answer came back "four months".
Uncanny, yes?
The other big news is also best told via story...
We were having a birthday dinner for our friend Michael recently at a Turkish restaurant. It was around 11.30pm, and I came and sat with Ant (having spent most of the night fluttering around the room chatting with many people). Ant reached into his pocket, pulling out a little box which he opened to show a ring... and proceeded to propose to me!
I think the quote from me was, "I feel like the luckiest girl on the planet..."
Needless to say, I said yes and commenced flashing my ring to anyone and everyone who would look at it.
No date has been set yet... nor how we're going to do it... but we'll see how it all shapes up.
I have another two birthdays this coming weekend - my brother Colin's 50th and his son (my nephews) Alex's 21st. After that, I think Ant and I are rewarded with a weekend or two to ourselves before Jimmy's birthday hits towards the end of the month. I also have to head over to see Lyle on Saturday for his birhtday last weekend. Curse being a Capricorn with so many great Virgo friends...