Am I going crazy at the moment and running out of time?
You better believe it!
Work is full on at the moment. On average, I don't get out of the office prior to 6.30pm and, for most of this week, it has been closer to 7pm.
Then the NLP Practioner Course that I thought was a few weeks away turns out to be starting this weekend... that's every weekend for the next four weeks PLUS Wednesday nights out for me. Goodbye to my sleep in!
Then the Warner project that i'm working on at the moment is due mid-September latest.
Then I have Samuel, Michael and Colin's birthday all during that time too.
Plus trying to convert vinyl for the Warner project, finish label copy for it, complete reading for my NLP study... ahhh, spare time is a luxury.
But hey, as a friend of mine recently said in an email - life doesn't throw at you what it doesn't think you can take. Apart from the illnesses lately, I feel like i'm handling it all pretty well.
And realistically, what I stand to get out of the next month works on so many levels.
Just don't expect to see too many updates on here anytime soon. ;p