Greetings - writing from Sydney here at the moment where Ant and I are currently taking a bit of a break.
We've come up to Sydney for the Queens Birthday long weekend. We thought we would escape the cold and wet in Melbourne in exchange for... well, the cold and wet in Sydney. The weather on the day we arrived was really lovely but it has since gone down hill a bit from there.
We caught up with my friend David last night for dinner, meeting his really gorgeous little puppy Rosie who is all of four months old. She was so adorable that Ant and I wanted to take her home - i'll have to put up some pics when I arrive back home.
I had a meeting with Warner Music yesterday morning, having been approached to work on some special projects for them. We've come up with a few ideas and should know a bit more about that before the end of next week.
Not sure what we're up to tonight - was thinking Super Fag Tag but keep getting mixed signals about it. Outside of that, we're not sure what is really on that is going to be popular. We caught up with Will and Andrew for breakfast this morning and they definitely put our tentative plans into a bit of a spin. Apparently Arq is out of vogue nowadays.
Ant is waiting for me, so best I make a move - write more when I get a chance. :)