And so the email goes... You've been tagged, so here it goes...copy and paste into a new email, delete my answers, replace with your own and send it back to me and to other friends
4 jobs you have had in your life: - Dance buyer, JB HiFi, Camberwell - Marketing Manager, FMR Records - Buyer, CD Fulfillment Australia, Shock Records - Senior Account Manager, Artisan Recruitment
4 movies you would watch over and over: - The Rocky Horror Picture Show - American Beauty - Monty Python And The Holy Grail - The Pirates Of The Caribbean
4 places you have lived: - Airport West - Melton - Toorak - Prahran
4 TV shows you love to watch: - The Simpsons - Futurama - Most Haunted - Doctor Who
4 places I have visited: - Sydney - London - Paris - Brisbane
4 websites you visit daily: - - A Madonna forum one I can't remember the link to - - - not everyday, but some days.
4 of my favourite foods: - Curries - Tuna Bake - Fish and Chips - 'Sunday Roast'
4 places I would rather be right now: - Out in Fawkner Park or the Botanical enjoying the sun - Window shopping down Chapel St - At home, cuddling the cats - Catching up with friends for a coffee
4 friends who I have tagged that I think will respond: - not entirely sure... times four.