Because a picture can tell a thousand words, i've decided to post a few pictures relating to the recent posts that i've made here.
Firstly, for your viewing pleasure, here is a picture of the roof of my apartments the morning after the 'roof fell down'.
For those who aren't sure what kind of damage it can achieve, here is a picture of our upstair neighbour's car's after the bricks and debris fell on top of them...
And here is our home's current fashionable look... kinda smurf hut meets dominatrix accomodation...
The problem with this, of course, is that our bedroom window is just where that the bottom of the blue sheet is, and we've had many a frightening night lately where the wind has been blowing the blue sheet so hard, i've been afraid it will come down and through our window. Glass ain't that thick, y'know... and I tend to think that some of the loose ends on that sheet, with the right amount of wind assisted gusto, could just go straight through. Not a thrilling thought!
Lastly, here is the picture from the recent school reunion, although you might need to save it to your desktop and enlarge it a little. I'm at the top back left, looking rather tired and somewhat overwhelmed since this picture was taken literally minutes after walking through the door. Rein, Matt and Kirsty are also in there, in the second row.
I've been rather flu ridden lately, and even took the day off work on Friday to try to recoup. Strangely, I had Michael and the guys phone me at 7.30pm on Friday night to say they were going to the pub and asking if I cared to join them. I pointed out that I was actually sick and would probably give it a miss this time around. We are currently in the middle of the busy season - lots of birthdays, and a few engagements to add to that lately. We had Angie and Rob's engagement on Saturday, which was fun although I was still feeling rather tired and seedy from the flu. Today, i've just laid low and trying to get myself psyched for work tomorrow.
Next weekend - David is down from Sydney, which is going to be wonderful, and then we have Colin and Matt's engagement on Saturday. Dale's birthday is also this weekend, and we might even try to fit a little bump n bowl in there as well. After this weekend though, i'm going to be very pick and choose with my weekend plans, as it just can become all too much and take a toll in so many ways - physically, mentally, and financially.
Work to do, although it is 10.16pm on a Sunday night - just finished writing my reviews for Bnews this week (don't forget my review blog), and wanting to try to wrap up the Esprit shipment I currently have. In fact, have not heard from Esprit for months, so i'm guessing our little arrangement is off. But they had some funds left over and so I thought I better do the right thing and finish it off for them.