Thought i'd take a moment during my lunch break to try to actually update this thing, especially since this time of the year tends to have so much happening in it but I never seem to find the time to comment or document.
So... yeah, another year older as of last Saturday. It was a fairly subtle day actually, especially since I wasn't too concerned about doing it large. Ant made me breakfast in bed, and gave me my gift, which was a beautiful new shirt. I wanted to do some record shopping for Esprit, and so went to Warrens, but then dropped in on Hussey and Matt afterwards for a quick coffee. Hussey had woken me up that morning by phoning and singing Happy Birthday on my answering machine before breaking out into a rousing rendition of 'Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman', which i've sampled and put into my mobile phone as his ring tone.
After that, I had cravings for a chip butty, and dropped into Red Rooster to get some chips. Ironically, a friend of mine Ben sent me an email yesterday just to say that, for the previous nights dinner, he had relived his childhood and made a chip butty for tea. Funny how a chip sandwich can just turn some people on!
Went home... a bit of disco naps as the flu the previous week had still left me feeling very drained and tired, and then out to dinner with Michael Broderick at Souk on Chapel St. I'd been wanting to go there for a while, but knowing that it was a tad upmarket, had budget in mind. A few work mates and friends joined me, although I had left most of that to Michael since I was really not into organizing anything this year, and I have to say that it was an exceedingly pleasant dining experience and the company was grand!
Afterwards, we went out to The Market; no real surprises there. I could've happily gone home early, but Lyle ended up joining us and so it was a rather fun evening out.
Sambuca has been on the road to recovery from his sneezing and wheezing. I told the vet today that if Darth Vader was a small black kitten, he would be Sambuca. However, we have ascertained that it isn't cat flu, as Caspar has started sneezing too, and will also have to go onto anti-biotics. I did buy a vaporizer for the cats, which was greeted with some strange facial expressions when I told the chemist the purpose of my purchase, but i'm sure it will come in useful down the track.
I have so much more to cover, and i'm sorry for not really being as across this as I would like. But with work still being busy, even over the break period, and with the flu i've had, i've just not had the energy or inspiration. I did continue writing on my Kylie book project just the other night and got several pages down, which felt a relief, although I haven't shared any of this with Tom yet. And in fact, there are several friends who i've been meaning to catch up with and just not had a chance, so apologies all round. I was asked the other night if The List is still going ahead, and I mentioned that while it is half written, the purpose and nature of its existence is about to change. In fact, I suspect it will end up here. For those that have no idea what this enigmatic document is about, i'll explain all when I finally get it posted up here, which should be sometime in the next week.
Till then, it is time for me to get back to it, as i'm sure Michael isn't paying me to sit around talking about myself, even if I am on my lunch break. However, I just wanted to get something up, strangely to buy more time, although I have NO idea who the hell reads this still, if anyone... but anyway, the purpose of this has always been more about giving me something to output my thoughts and activities into than anything else. Attention seeking? Who knows. And moreso, in this largely cynical world of ours, who cares. Hey, if it feels good, do it.