Thursday, December 09, 2004  

Actually... know what? It's been rather frantic lately. I'm taking a break from work as I type, on my lunch break, thinking it would be good to distract my mind from cranky clients and diva candidates and to write a bit about what's been going on.

Strange story to share...

The setting: last Thursday night.

The scene: Ant had gone to bed. I had shut the kitchen door as I had caught Caspar playing with a white tail spider, and although I had disposed of the spider via one heavy heel, Caspar was still hell bent on playing with anything that looked remotely spider-ish. At the time, the back door was definitely shut.

As usual, i'm playing on my PC while Ant is in bed asleep. I eventually get to bed around midnight.

At the same time, Ant gets up and goes to the bathroom and the kitchen. He comes back and has a go at me about leaving the backdoor wide open and the screen door ajar. I mention that I hadn't been out the back, and therefore, if he hadn't opened it and I hadn't opened it, we can only assume that someone had come into our kitchen.

The scene: Next morning.

Ant leaves home to catch the bus. Says that he sees someone walking up and down from the bus stop to the front of our house and stares at it. Strange man continues to do this until he sees Ant get on the bus. Ant sees strange man walk down side of our place.

Thanks to Ant's work mates, who seem to plant some seed in Ant's mind that I could be having an affair.

Ant comes home and finds same strange man standing at our front door. Ant says hello. Strange man askes if i'm home. Ant says that i'm at work. Strange man askes if Ant lives here too. Ant says he does. Strange man asks what Ant's relationship is to me, and Ant tells him we're partners. Strange man starts to aggressively ask Ant about how long we've been together. Ant keeps answering... don't ask me why cause after the first question, my automatic responce would've been, "...and who the hell are YOU?" Strange man seems aggrevated and says something about phoning me and heads off.

Ant walks in home. Phone rings. Ant answers. Person asks for me. Ant recognizes that it is the voice of the strange man, and tells him that i'm not home and asks for a message. Person replies in the negative and immediately hangs up. Ant looks out window to see strange man leaving phone box up the road.

Now, can someone please tell me what the feck is going on?

Let's get this out in the open: I'm definitely not having an affair.

Secondly, I have my suspicions that I don't actually know this person. Any smart criminal knows to look at the letterbox and get a name, and then you can look in the phone book or the web for the number... and immediately, a place to case.

However, if it is someone I know (although obviously not too well if they're unaware of Ant's presence in my life) and you're currently entering my house at midnight after climbing fences or stalking my partner and myself, would you kindly please stop cause it is really beginning to piss us off.

In other news, i've finally entered the decade properly by getting myself a little Ipod Mini, which is rather fun. I've even caught Ant dancing around the loungeroom to it, which is often rather amusing. Been playing a lot with Itunes and learning more about the AAC format too... yes, me sound like one big nerd.

Bought ourselves tickets to see Scissor Sisters at the Good Vibrations Festival next year, which is all rather exciting. I suspect it might be on the same day as the Midsumma Carnival, but since that is across the road, we can try to squeeze both into the same day.

What else... went to Rein and Jacquline's wedding a weekend or two back, which was lovely. I've known Rein since preps... something like 25 years or so now! Who would've thought all that time ago when I (apparently) offered Rein one of my Star Wars figures that it would result in a friendship where, 25 years later, i'd be attending his wedding. I feel like I haven't seen Rein as much as I would like in the past few years, but also feel that i'm becoming more of a homebody and more into seeing old friends and family.

Anyway, I best get back to work, but just felt like it was time for a bit of an update. The summary, though... Ipod's good... strange annoying stalkers bad... weddings lovely... Scissor Sisters funky... life good.

   { Lol } { Thursday, December 09, 2004 } { }

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