Saturday, November 27, 2004  

Admittedly, most gay men don't get to go to too many weddings. As they get older, their circles tend to become more 'ghetto inclined', and while relationships with heterosexual friends do continue, they tend to find friendships with more 'like minded' individuals. I believe the reason for this might have something to do with the fact that gay men actually prefer to talk about things other than 'being gay', but I tend to find with many of my straight friends, the conversation inevitably steers towards that. Gay men might talk about 'gay' things, such as pop music, cute boys, and fantastic chick flicks, but they don't sit around trying to justify their sexual persuasion on each other. They talk about 'life', or at least 'gay life', as opposed to why they turned out gay, or how they know they're gay, or blah-blah-blah-i've-been-over-this-a-hundred-times-before...

But anyway, Ant and I are off to a wedding today. It's for Rein and Jacqueline, who have been going out together on and off for years now. I've known Rein for the majority of my lfe, having met him in preps. Although I don't remember it, Rein tells me that we became friends when I offered him one of my Star Wars figurines. Also, a kid with a name like Rein was just asking for it during the 70's. He heard so many 'Rein Rein, go away, come again another day' chants that it wasn't funny, but as we all know, kids can be cruel. Over the past decade, we probably haven't been in touch as much as we could, but I guess that is life also. I caught up with Rein and another old highschool friend Matt perhaps two or three years ago... now, that was an experience as Matt hadn't seemed to change much at all, except for looking older. He had the same humour... same ambitions... it was like a time warp back a decade, and frankly, it was scary. A man who thought he was going to achieve the same things but a decade later. If ever Old Man Time was dancing in front of you naked and chanting, "Let me go and get a new dream!", it was here...

I've also got another wedding in about three weeks for Spencer and Slava. I work with Spencer, and I secretly think Michael and I were hoping we wouldn't be invited... not because we don't like Spencer or anything like that... it's just weddings can always get very costly. As I suspected recently, all my mechanical worldly possessions seem to be 'on the way out'. My DVD burner died last week, and so i've taken that in for repair. The car stereo speakers seem to hate the heat and cut out as soon as it gets hot, and then the CD skips in it too. The car feels sluggish, and I know next time I take that back in for service, the engine chain may need to be replaced, and that's going to be costly. And the computer still continues to play up, not to mention the fact that my bedroom stereo hasn't been working properly for years! Sometimes, I do wonder.

I did catch up with Miles recently, which was a great experience...14 years or so after we last were in touch. It's a very different dynamic to our friendship now, but that is to be expected, but I hope that we do continue to stay in touch as I do have a lot of time for him.

Anyway, I best start to get ready. I'm still feeling terribly out of shape and need to get across that, but for the time being, I need to put that aside and make myself look as fantastic as possible!

   { Lol } { Saturday, November 27, 2004 } { }

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