As always, I begin to build up a collection of emails and links that i've often come across in the most unlikely of places and sent to myself to one day correlate into one of these bizarre blog threads and keep forever more... or something along those lines. So... without much futher ado... let's begin this Lol blog extravaganza (thanks Cher!)
Entry #1 - Christian Financial Help?
Yes, this is real spam that i've received (actually, on the 22nd of March, 2004). I have not changed any of the wording, although obviously have removed the links.
Subject: Financial Help With a Christian Perspective
Getting out of debt is not easy, but it is Biblical.
Proverbs 22:7 tells us that "the rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender." God instructs us to do that which is beneficial to us, and getting out of credit card debt would allow so many to give back to God's kingdom.
To learn how you can gain financial liberty today go to: xxx
To unsubscribe from future Christian Debt offers, please email with "remove" in the subject line or write to the following postal address: 4742 NW Boca Raton Blvd, Boca Raton FL 33431.
This message is brought to you by Hottest Offers,10125 W. Oakland Park Blvd, Suite 337, Sunrise FL 33351. If you wish to delete your name from the list, follow this: xxx
Does anyone else find it ironic that this offer for heavenly help comes from 'Hottest Offers'. I thought that would've suggested help from the 'other place'. But sure, I agree, i'm more likely to get to heaven if I have no credit card debt either...
Entry #2 - Christian Dating
Oh, but it gets worse when I receive this piece of spam on 17th May, 2004 from the Christian Singles Cafe.
Entry #3 - The BEST DVD copier in the world.
If you own a DVD Burner and wish to practice your right to make a backup of your bought DVD's, you should check out this FREE program called DVD Shrink. Amazingly easy to use, quick to download and install, and can fit most dual layer DVD's onto a single 4.7gb disk. Thanks to my friend Darren for the tip too!
Entry #4 - Spam and scam.
For those wanting to know more, or take more action, links for spam and scam watch.
Entry #5 - Quotes?
After a classic quote? Try here, or here, or here. Don't ask why I looked these up, but they are strangely interesting and useful. By the way, like to quote at the very bottom of my column?
Entry #6 - Music Collecting.
Time to develop a new hobby? Music collecting might rock your boat? Try here for some basics.
Entry #7 - Fonts.
A frantic search for a helvettica font lead me to here one day. Never really understood fonts prior, but picked up rather a bit within one working day. This site has some great freebies. So, you totally bored yet with this?...
Entry #8 - Joe.
Actually, I have to give David Knox credit for this one, but it is a great review for Joe Starts Again, the Green Room Award winning musical that recently went to Sydney. Both Dean and Martin became friends while they were running the old Piano Bar at Chapel Off Chapel that I used to frequently haunt, and certainly still do very much miss. Mind you, I certainly look forward to a revised and revamped season when Joe hits Melbourne again.
Entry #9 - Colourblind?
Fancy doing a test on your site to see if it will work for colourblind people? Click here, and thanks to Gill for the link. (Yep, the strange things that fascinate me... oh look, paint drying...)
Entry #10 - From B&T Magazine Australia.
MTV chases 'pink' dollar
US: MTV Networks plans to launch Logo, the first gay ad-supported television network, next February in a bid to tap into the US$400bn 'pink' market. Logo is aimed at 25-to-49-years-old and will feature a mixture of acquired and original programming. The network will air on digital channels in most of the big metropolitan centres nationwide and be distributed through Time Warner Cable and RCN. Agencies and clients appear to be enthusiastic. Avis Rent-a-car is in talks and online travel site Orbitz has already committed. General Motors, IBM, and American Express are among other big-name clients that have expressed interest. WARC.
Entry #11 - Philosophy.
Been considering discovering more about these guys when the time permits. Anyone reading this interested in joining me?
Entry #12 - Subject: RIAA Claims Music On Car Radios Meant Only For Original Vehicle Owner.
This email forwarded to me by my friend Tom made me laugh...
Trade Group Vows To Go After Passengers Who Illegally Share Soundwaves
The Recording Industry Association of America announced today it would be expanding its crackdown on copyright infringement by suing family members, hitchhikers and carpoolers.
Lawyers for the RIAA maintain that the radio in each car was never meant to be listened to by anyone else except the original owner of the vehicle.
Therefore, any additional passengers who listen to music on the radio in another individual's car are doing so illegally and without the express permission of the copyright holders of the respective songs that are broadcast.
RIAA attorneys were preparing to go to Federal District courts across the country to have subpoenas issued to every car maker in America in the hopes of forcing them to disclose the names and addresses of all purchasers from the last 20 years.
"We think this is a no brainer," said an RIAA spokesperson who declined to be identified. "These drivers have been illegally sharing music on their radios and their passengers have been getting a free ride for way too long," he continued.
Legal representatives for the RIAA also warned that they would especially be targeting the "big fish" like charter bus drivers and RV owners who blatantly turn up the radio volume allowing others to hear.
In addition, RIAA lawyers said they were hoping to get a court order to exhume the bodies of Scottish physicist James Clerk-Maxwell, who developed the theory of electromagnetic waves and Guglielmo Marconi, who discovered and harnessed wireless radio in order to sue both corpses for unfair business practices.
And with that, I think i've cleared some serious space in my inbox, but still have more than enough to go... next time... perhaps next time... for the meatime, it's bed time!