...cause we all know that nothing in my life can't be reflected via an email rant to my friends!
Email rant #1: My 'cat' history and Caspar
When I was growing up, my neighbours (the bogan hoons that they were) had a cat who had a litter. The runt of the litter took to our place. We'd take her back, the neighbours would take her, and put her straight out the back, and she would jump the fence and end up being back at our place before we were. We ended up keeping her, and I had Suzie for about 12 years or so. I was devasted when she was eventually put to sleep, as she was a little white girl and had been hit by cancer. But she was so loving, and would just want to constantly be as close to you as possible.
We had another stray we called Hoppy because his back paw had been caught in a trap and he hopped everywhere. He looked like Sylvester out of Loony Tunes, and had pretty much the same attitude too. We actually saw him beat up a dog once; he was that kind of cat.
Caspar is just hysterical and i'm such a proud 'dad'. When possible, I let him sleep with us, but he does have his own room and try to make him feel as loved as possible. He LOVES water, and will play it in whenever possible, and then jump spread eagle from the chair beside the bed and land on it with a big wet thud. He also LOVES to play hide and seek and will jump up from behind doorways at you when you least expect it. He is a bit of a nervy cat, possibly because of his past, but is beginning to be a little more trust worthy. He lived with a poor guy who was mentally disabled, who had a multitude of cats, most of whom were starved or too sick. Apparently the RSPCA was called in, and the majority of the cats were so sick that they needed to be put down, but Caspar survived, as did his sister apparently. I wish I could have two cats, but my housemate won't allow it sadly - otherwise, I would've taken his sister too so that they could be together.
It was funny yesterday when my landlord called about the 'gas leak' though. The first and foremost concern I had was actually for Caspar over anything else! And just ask Michael about how I was when I found poor Caspar with his paw caught in the window one morning... I had a sudden realisation of why parents freak out when their children get hurt all of a sudden.
Email #2: My friend at Shannon Nolls, and Australian Idol S1
Shannon Nolls hey... o...k... lol! Nah, i'm sure he is ok. Personally, not my cup of tea. I didn't watch Australian Idol, but what I did see of it, he used to frustrate me. He would just stand in the middle of the stage and sing. I would get worked up because a) he has an entire stage to move around on and to try to sell the song... and he didn't, and b) he is actually a really average singer. His looks got him there, but then that is half of the 'pop' game. I'll never forgive him for what he did to U2's 'With Or Without You' though, as that song is fairly sacred for me. I thought Millsey worked the stage better. He had an average voice too, but he also had a presence, and think out of the three of them, he will probably last the longest (but that may not be long...) Guy will get too serious too soon, and the sad fact is that Australian r'n'b has this self loathing thing and will turn their back on him. He will have to crack overseas for continued success here with that style of music. Millsey has a very 'Robbie Williams' thing going on - strong personality and the ability to make people think he is 'one of the lads' - that counts for a lot.
Email #3: Advertising agencies
Maybe you need to take the 'new age but old trick' trend Advertising agencies have lately of calling themselves everything BUT an advertising agency. They can now be 'Creative Concept Centres', or some other wanky term, but never advertising agencies. I actually talked to a company recently and asked what they actually 'did', and was told they were an 'advertising agency'. I told them it was a relief to finally hear an advertising agency refer to themselves as one again!
Email #4: Losing Johnson
I must admit that I am a bit down this week as my parents cat, who we've had for 14 years, had to be put down over the weekend. Having Caspar has made it easier to deal with, but I especially feel for my poor parents who are still coming to terms with losing such a devoted friend to them both. My mum put on a brave face on the phone the other night and asked how Caspar was, and I was saying how he had been allowed to stay out of his room for the past three nights and had taken to sleeping at my feet. I could tell she was stiffling tears at that point, and honestly can't blame her. But anyway, enough sadness...
Email #5: Discussing Bowie
Did you end up going to his last show here? There were moments where I was genuinely close to welling up - especially during 'Life On Mars', which I had always wanted to see him perform live. But as always, with anyone with a back cat that extensive, it is near impossible to hear every song that you would want to hear... but I did hear a few. I would've loved to have heard 'Wild Is The Wind' and 'Fashion', but I did get 'Heroes' (how could he NOT play that?), 'Life On Mars', 'I'm Afriad Of Americans', and 'Hallo Spaceboy'. Infact, I really do love that 'Earthling' album and still can't understand why it got as bagged as it did...
Email #6: Thoughts of Paris...
Going overseas is such an eye opening experience. When I went to Paris... I can actually remember; it was the day I went to the Louve. I mean, Paris is old... the city feels and looks old... beautiful, but old! lol! But it wasn't until I went to the Louve, and I walked through the arches and into the giant courtyard, and looked at this incredible building with statues actually sitting on the ledges around it... it just hit me that I was seeing something older than anything i'd seen in Australia... and it occured to me how young Australia truly is, and how different our western civilisation is to anything that is in Europe. It was such a... forfilling experience... and one i'm glad I went on as it certainly made me realise a few more priorities in our lifes. Be warned though - once you go overseas, you'll get 'the bug' everyone talks about and will want to do it again and again.
Email #7: Bit more of a tribute to Johnson
My parents recently had to have Johnson, family cat of 14 years old, put down, and it was a very traumatic experience for them. I got a bit teary when mum was telling me that they had asked to hold Johnson while the injection worked and until he had gone, just cause they didn't want him to feel scared or unloved at any point... which is typical of my parents. But he had some serious internal things going wrong and he wasn't living a good quality of life, and just decided that they didn't want to see him in pain anymore just cause it would be hard for them. He was such a big sook as well. I think people forget how much these guys become part of our families and everything, and even my Caspar makes Ant and I feel more like 'a family' than boyfriends.
Email #8: Back to gym
Trying to fight off the flu at the moment but Ant and I have started doing personal training one night a week with this woman in the gym in the building I work in, and she is proving to be really good - pushes us quite a lot - i'm hell bent now on trying to get back on track with gym as it seems to stall far too easily. Work going ok - 1 year this week since I left FMR, which has had me a bit reflective. Everything is good though.
Email #9: My first hate mail over a music review
I still treasure my first hate mail, which the editor had to censor because it was becoming too personal. Apparently, when I said that the lesbian compilation I had sent was crap because it sounded awful, this was a blatant attack on females. I should've known better. Even more ironic was that the CD claimed that woman still had no inflence in the music industry, and I claimed that was a load of shite and went on to list several female performers who have pushed boundaries in the music industry, as well as commenting on the fact that several senior positions in record companies around Australia were held by woman. But of course, I wouldn't really know, would I... cause i'm a man. Treasure peoples paranoid ramblings cause they're so much fun in retrospect.
Email #10: Is life fabulous?
fabulous...? yes and no... it's often only as fabulous as you can make it be. I'm hell bent on being more creative again. I actually just splurged on a new soundcard for my computer (I didn't really have the money so I shouldn't have) - but it will allow me to actually start writing music again, which I feel rather passionately about again.
Email #11: Nasty comments from old places
I was a bit disappointed to find out that someone who I held very dear has turned out to be not so dear after all. I've never remained anyone's friends for any reason other than a genuine liking of the person, but... well, read of this comment what you will... when asked about sending me a copy of a DVD on an artist I worked fairly a lot on, the responce was 'He can get it at HMV." Now, it's a minor thing really. I could go get it at HMV, and have, in fact, bought several things by this artist at HMV in recent times as I didn't want my requests to be taken the wrong way. But this is apparently coming from the mouth of a close friend? The funny thing is that it didn't make me angry. Disappointed, perhaps. And even a little more jaded. But not angry. What it did do is make me appreciate the people around me who are genuine even more. But it does make me wonder if one of my former places of employ have gone truly mad, as reports are coming back to me that people left, right and centre are totally losing the plot. Nasty people are becoming nice. Nice people are becoming next. God, next thing you know, people will be saying Shannon Nolls is a truly unique Australian talent!!! Oh well, I guess it's just one more name to be taken off my Christmas card list... Shame, as I honestly did respect and look up to him.
It was one year ago this week that I parted with FMR.
Its actually remarkable to think of how just one day can potentially change so much, and the subsequent twelve months that I've had have been filled with the often cliched soul searching and related questions.
There are those who might wonder why I would choose to commemorate what was a very bleak day in my life. I guess the answer lies in the fact that it brought in an unexpected change, and with that, it questioned many beliefs I assumed as the norm, and raised many more questions I had never bothered to ask before. I guess I felt it would be good to share the lessons learned 12 months down the track.
Lesson #1: The danger of delusion. The main reason I wanted to work in the music industry was relatively pure; I really sucked as a songwriter (the highest chart position I ever had as a songwriter was somewhere between #100 and #110), but felt passionately about wanted to be involved in making music history. It’s corny, but true. Besides that, it was cool, and I was always a nerd; the juxtaposition of the two seemed perfect. I was, in all fairness, really lucky – from the moment Frank gave my CV to Sue when she was looking for a new promo guy to the moment I accidentally found myself in the marketing department working under the brilliant Janet Dawes, it always felt like right place, right time. But then a different kind of danger emerged – the danger of losing that fine line between Lawrence ‘the individual’, and Lawrence ‘the job description’. I allowed the most important thing in my life to become FMR. And then, one day, that thing that I based the value of my worth upon was taken away, and this dull, boring creature slumped out of the office for the last time and had to start rethinking who the feck this Lawrence person was. I’d become so absorbed in the job, I forgot that I apparently had a life outside of that. So, the first lesson I learned; your job is important but make sure you keep it real; jobs will come and go and yet we still seem to place too much importance in something so potentially transient. I admire those who have been able to build a stable life away from the consuming chaos that is the music industry. I couldn’t hold down a relationship at FMR, but have been in a 10 month one since.
Lesson #2: Don’t work for an ISP – it’s the most boring thing you’ll ever do.
Lesson #3: One day, a woman, who I hold an indescribable amount of respect for, told me about this concept of ‘Plan B’. I didn’t have a ‘plan b’. I’m not sure what scared me more either; trying to devise a ‘plan b’ or the prospect of having to use it. There wasn’t ever any time to think about it anyway. And then, in one day, I was placed in a position where it became essential, and 12 months later, while I miss the music industry passionately, I feel that the foundations on which I stand are so much more stable than they’ve been before. I’ve learned that there is no harm in standing up and saying what you want. There is no harm in thinking about what you would be great at, and approaching people to pursue it. Bottom line, even if you have no idea what your ‘plan b’ is, a faith in yourself and your abilities will see you land on your feet.
Lesson #4: Some people will make friends with you because they’re genuine people. Some people will make friends with you because the situation suits. Acknowledgement of existence is a powerful yet simple thing. A word back from someone is better than no word at all. It shows a sign of how genuine they are, and that there is still some level of respect. I never expected much back from any of my old industry work mates when I sent them a message, as I often understand how busy they are. And yet, a few simple sentences three weeks later often made my day, and I hold them in the highest possible regard for that simple action.
Lesson #5: No one will beat yourself up better and longer than you can yourself.
Lesson #6: Nothing is really worth stressing over too much, except the important things. However, defining what the important things are correctly is worth stressing over.
Lesson #7: If you want to tell someone something, say it. It’s better to feel you’re giving the real deal than to kick yourself for missing the opportunity.
Lesson #8: The world was bigger than my office after all.
There are several individuals at FMR who are some of the most talented and inspired people I have met in the music industry yet. I didn’t really get to say thank you to them, nor let them know how profoundly being able to work with them had an effect on me. I’m not sure if any of them felt my friendship or eagerness was anything less than genuine, but I do hope these words clear up any suspicion of ulterior motives. However, in my world now, where I have a stable ‘family’, challenging job, and a handful of side projects that keep life spicy, I did feel some need for closure on these 12 months, and sharing this felt like a good way since I hold so many great memories of my time there. I know it’s a lot of reading, and often verging on melodramatic, but I hope the sentiment behind it is appreciated and understood. Besides, I’d rather like to think that I can make some worth of what happened twelve months ago than not, and experience is often the best way to quantify that. It all comes back to one of my life mottos; I’d rather have the ups and downs than the boring in betweens.
Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, champagne in one hand - strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and screaming "WOO HOO - What a Ride!"
Recently, in my quest to find only the best for Esprit, I've often made... shall we say... some incorrect decisions. In the heat of the moment, I've purchased items that, in retrospect, probably were not the best buy for Esprit. When this happens, instead of sitting there, shrugging and absorbing the cost, I try to find whatever methods possible to move the item again. One way that I've found useful is via Ebay. Not only do some items move again at a remarkable price (and I realise I should've sold them for higher), but others refuse to move at all. But where I tend to get my fun is with the descriptions that I like to put together with them, which, for a little while there, gave me some form of bizarre stress relief at the end of each day. And so now, for your viewing pleasure, a trip down some of my recent Ebay Auctions.
Item: KYLIE MINOGUE – 'Got To Be Certain' Australian 7"
You are bidding on an Australian Mushroom 7" single for Kylie Minogue's Got To Be Certain. And aptly titled it is too, as you should be certain before you place a bid for this item. 'Why?', I hear you enquire in curious tones. Because, being totally honest, the quality of this 7" single lies in the grooves and not in the packaging in this instance. The cover is showing signs of ring wear (oh-er!) and cover rub (OH-ER!), so if you're after excellent to mint, this isn't it. It is, however, in fairly good condition, and you can still make out that it is Kylie on the front. The picture below is a scan of the actual single, so that should give you an idea. The vinyl itself is in far better condition and most turntables should rejoice at the experience.
Want it? Well, i'll make it easier by starting the bidding low so it isn't too much of a financial burden. It is limited edition (what Mushroom release from the 80's wasn't though?) and carries the cat K571. It may be wise to view this as a 'filler' in the collection until a better one comes along, and then give it to your niece, or cousin, or that cute boy you've been wanting to find a reason to talk to. He'll like it too. See, it is a multi-purposed release after all. Selling price: AUS$1
Item: GLORIA ESTEFAN - 'Can't Stay Away From You' Limited Edition Australian 7"
You are bidding on a limited edition poster bag of Gloria Estefan's 'Can't Stay Away From You'. But this single has a dark secret that it needs to share in advance. However, don't stress; it's not like it's Miriam or anything. It is, however, very much pre-loved, and the vinyl is suffering from many scratches which could effect the playing surface (I haven't listened to it myself). Summary; if you're bidding, you're bidding for the poster and not for the vinyl, unless you wish to use it as 'filler' in your collection until you find a better quality copy.
Now that this shameful secret is out of the way, you're free to consider if this is the copy destined for your home or not. Email me if you have any questions and i'll honestly answer them, but how could you not look into Gloria's smouldering eyes on the cover (even if she does call us a 'bag') and not long for her to be with you. I struggle at the best of times too. We are, after all, only human. So, while the vinyl might be jumping more than a mosher at a Linkin Park concert, the poster could warm the cockles of your heart for the right price. Selling price: AUS$1
Item: PINK FLOYD - 'Learning To Fly' Australian 7"
Up for grabs is a copy of the Pink Floyd single, Learning To Fly, taken from their album A Momentary Lapse Of Reason (story of my life!). Both the cover and the vinyl are in the 'very much loved' category, with the cover showing signs of age and creasing, and the vinyl definitely having seen better days. However, for those collecting Pink Floyd and keen to have a 'fill in' of this title until a better copy comes along, then i've kept the price on this item very low to compensate for the short comings of the actual item. Bottom line, if you want a mint or near mint copy, then this isn't it. If you can live with one that has seen better days, then you're welcome to bid. One last issue that needs to be pointed out is the fact that the single contains two black texture marks on the b-side label (Terminal Frost). I've been upfront and honest; now it's your turn to decide if this is something worth spending a couple of bucks on. Selling price: AUS$1
Item: NICK CAVE - 'The Weeping Song' Australian 7"
Nick Cave; the undisputed king of darkness on the world music stage. Fascination with the darker side of life, or just an awareness that black is very slimming? The answer is irrelevant for this auction. But before we spin too much down an existential spiral of self worth, let's discuss the worth of this Australian 7" single by Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds, 'The Weeping Song'. Firstly, the cover - showing some slight signs of age, some slight ring wear and rubbing... but nothing too severe. The vinyl - has some light scratches but nothing that should effect the playing (although i've not played this to confirm, but will on request - prozac optional). Want it? Why not! I've kept the price fairly low due to it's lack of mint-ed-ness (is that a word?), so why not get all impulsive and go for it. Besides, if the quality of the item doesn't make you miserable, then hopefully the song will. Enjoy! Selling price: AUS$2.25
Item: MARIAH CAREY Australian CD Singles
You're bidding on two Australian singles by the glitterlicious Mariah Carey. Featured here are 'Anytime You Need a Friend' and 'Fantasy'; both in pre-loved but still with plenty of love to give condition. The 'Anytime' single, featuring a wistful Carey looking skywards in blissful reassurance features 4 mixes, including one by 90's dance outfit C&C Music Factory. 'Fantasy', featuring a wella-woman Carey cover, features five mixes, mostly with Bad Boy. If you don't have them, how can you live anymore without them? I may not, but i'm willing to make that sacrifice for real Carey fans out there. Cheap price, so feel free to bid without breaking the budget. And email me any questions, words of wisdom, or messages of support for my impending seperation from these two timeless classics. Selling price: AUS$46 (and 17 bids!!)
Item: GLORIA ESTEFAN - 'Turn The Beat Around' US CD Single
You are bidding on a copy of latin superstar Gloria Estefan's single, 'Turn The Beat Around'. This US pressing features six mixes that are so amazing, my hips have still not ceased from grooving to that crazy congo beat, even though I turned the single off well over an hour ago. Included is the 7", a couple of Def mixes, a Damien mix (note: not the same Damien from 'The Omen'), plus the rather impossibly titled 'Turn The Bass Around Mix'. Damn strait! Taken from the highly memorable film 'The Specialist', you too could own this piece of pop iconery at a fraction of the price anywhere else would want you to pay. Both the disc and cover are in excellent condition and will bring joy, laughter, merriment and a sense of contentment to your life. Priced low to go! (You have to love 90's sales catch phrases). Don't let this one slip away. Selling price: AUS$2
Item: KYLIE MINOGUE CD singles
You are bidding on a copy of Australian pop icon Kylie Minogue's single 'Your Disco Needs You'. This German pressing features the UK album version, German Almighty radio edit, UK Almighty Remix and German album version. Featuring the world famous saucy temptress on the cover, this is a must have item for every Kylie fan (it must be true - it's underlined to reinforce it!), and considering it's limited (ohh, italics!) release, is one of the more harder singles to track down. As an added incentive, i'll also throw in a copy of 'Where Is The Feeling?'. However, perhaps this version should be retitled 'Where Is The Cover?', as sadly, one is missing. However, one should not look the Ebay gift horse in the mouth, and since this is being thrown in as a good will gesture, you should clap your hands excitedly and do a form of happy dance to celebrate this spontaneous gesture of generosity. *clap clap* - well done. Both are in excellent condition, even if one is missing a cover, and will continue to radiate Minogue goodness for many years to come. CBC! (click - bid - clap) It's as easy as that! Selling price: US$4.25
Item: CHER & PETER CETERA - 'After All' Australian 7" single
The outfits... the wigs... the attitude... the never ending final tour... but enough about Peter Cetera; let's talk about Cher! We have one Australian pressing of the wonderful Cher and Peter Cetera duet 'After All', the haunting theme from the film 'Chances Are' up for grabs. It's 7 inches of black vinyl pleasure and it could be yours if you win this auction. Let's talk shop first though... the cover is actually in rather lovely condition with only a few light marks. The vinyl, however, does have some light scratches which could effect playing, although I haven't played this copy to verify it. But, if you email and ask nicely, I will (Hell, i'll even sing along, record it, and send the tape along with the single if you ask kindly enough provided it doesn't break international copyright laws...) Any questions, feel free to get clicky and send them to me, and i'll answer asap. That's about it really... i'm off to fling silver tinsel over my head, swing from the potplant holders and perform my own rendition of Believe... Selling price: didn't sell.
As always, I begin to build up a collection of emails and links that i've often come across in the most unlikely of places and sent to myself to one day correlate into one of these bizarre blog threads and keep forever more... or something along those lines. So... without much futher ado... let's begin this Lol blog extravaganza (thanks Cher!)
Entry #1 - Christian Financial Help?
Yes, this is real spam that i've received (actually, on the 22nd of March, 2004). I have not changed any of the wording, although obviously have removed the links.
Subject: Financial Help With a Christian Perspective
Getting out of debt is not easy, but it is Biblical.
Proverbs 22:7 tells us that "the rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender." God instructs us to do that which is beneficial to us, and getting out of credit card debt would allow so many to give back to God's kingdom.
To learn how you can gain financial liberty today go to: xxx
To unsubscribe from future Christian Debt offers, please email info@christiandebt.net with "remove" in the subject line or write to the following postal address: 4742 NW Boca Raton Blvd, Boca Raton FL 33431.
This message is brought to you by Hottest Offers,10125 W. Oakland Park Blvd, Suite 337, Sunrise FL 33351. If you wish to delete your name from the list, follow this: xxx
Does anyone else find it ironic that this offer for heavenly help comes from 'Hottest Offers'. I thought that would've suggested help from the 'other place'. But sure, I agree, i'm more likely to get to heaven if I have no credit card debt either...
Entry #2 - Christian Dating
Oh, but it gets worse when I receive this piece of spam on 17th May, 2004 from the Christian Singles Cafe.
Entry #3 - The BEST DVD copier in the world.
If you own a DVD Burner and wish to practice your right to make a backup of your bought DVD's, you should check out this FREE program called DVD Shrink. Amazingly easy to use, quick to download and install, and can fit most dual layer DVD's onto a single 4.7gb disk. Thanks to my friend Darren for the tip too!
Entry #4 - Spam and scam.
For those wanting to know more, or take more action, links for spam and scam watch.
Entry #5 - Quotes?
After a classic quote? Try here, or here, or here. Don't ask why I looked these up, but they are strangely interesting and useful. By the way, like to quote at the very bottom of my column?
Entry #6 - Music Collecting.
Time to develop a new hobby? Music collecting might rock your boat? Try here for some basics.
Entry #7 - Fonts.
A frantic search for a helvettica font lead me to here one day. Never really understood fonts prior, but picked up rather a bit within one working day. This site has some great freebies. So, you totally bored yet with this?...
Entry #8 - Joe.
Actually, I have to give David Knox credit for this one, but it is a great review for Joe Starts Again, the Green Room Award winning musical that recently went to Sydney. Both Dean and Martin became friends while they were running the old Piano Bar at Chapel Off Chapel that I used to frequently haunt, and certainly still do very much miss. Mind you, I certainly look forward to a revised and revamped season when Joe hits Melbourne again.
Entry #9 - Colourblind?
Fancy doing a test on your site to see if it will work for colourblind people? Click here, and thanks to Gill for the link. (Yep, the strange things that fascinate me... oh look, paint drying...)
Entry #10 - From B&T Magazine Australia.
MTV chases 'pink' dollar
US: MTV Networks plans to launch Logo, the first gay ad-supported television network, next February in a bid to tap into the US$400bn 'pink' market. Logo is aimed at 25-to-49-years-old and will feature a mixture of acquired and original programming. The network will air on digital channels in most of the big metropolitan centres nationwide and be distributed through Time Warner Cable and RCN. Agencies and clients appear to be enthusiastic. Avis Rent-a-car is in talks and online travel site Orbitz has already committed. General Motors, IBM, and American Express are among other big-name clients that have expressed interest. WARC.
Entry #11 - Philosophy.
Been considering discovering more about these guys when the time permits. Anyone reading this interested in joining me?
Entry #12 - Subject: RIAA Claims Music On Car Radios Meant Only For Original Vehicle Owner.
This email forwarded to me by my friend Tom made me laugh...
Trade Group Vows To Go After Passengers Who Illegally Share Soundwaves
The Recording Industry Association of America announced today it would be expanding its crackdown on copyright infringement by suing family members, hitchhikers and carpoolers.
Lawyers for the RIAA maintain that the radio in each car was never meant to be listened to by anyone else except the original owner of the vehicle.
Therefore, any additional passengers who listen to music on the radio in another individual's car are doing so illegally and without the express permission of the copyright holders of the respective songs that are broadcast.
RIAA attorneys were preparing to go to Federal District courts across the country to have subpoenas issued to every car maker in America in the hopes of forcing them to disclose the names and addresses of all purchasers from the last 20 years.
"We think this is a no brainer," said an RIAA spokesperson who declined to be identified. "These drivers have been illegally sharing music on their radios and their passengers have been getting a free ride for way too long," he continued.
Legal representatives for the RIAA also warned that they would especially be targeting the "big fish" like charter bus drivers and RV owners who blatantly turn up the radio volume allowing others to hear.
In addition, RIAA lawyers said they were hoping to get a court order to exhume the bodies of Scottish physicist James Clerk-Maxwell, who developed the theory of electromagnetic waves and Guglielmo Marconi, who discovered and harnessed wireless radio in order to sue both corpses for unfair business practices.
And with that, I think i've cleared some serious space in my inbox, but still have more than enough to go... next time... perhaps next time... for the meatime, it's bed time!