Monday, March 15, 2004  

Curiosity killed the cat...

Ok, don't fret that, from the title, something awful has happened to little Caspar. But it seemed an apt way to begin after my scare this week. It began Wednesday morning. We were due for our first ever staff meeting at Artisan. Ant, Andrew and Mark had all left for work, and none of them had let Caspar out of his room. I had opened the door, and noticed that Caspar was on the window ledge, and from the outline behind the curtain, looks like he was playing with something on the window screen. I went and had my shave and shower, and went to my room to get dressed.

At this point, I thought something was wrong. By now, Caspar is usually pouncing all over my bed, frantically attacking the sheets, my socks, me... whatever in sight. I went back to his room and noticed that his outline was the same as it was last time, paw up against the window. As I walked towards him, I realised with horror what was going on - his paw was trapped IN the window.

I opened the window and freed his paw. I grabbed him, hugged him alarmed, and put him on the floor to watch him nearly collapse and limp. I screamed in horror, not sure if I should nurse him or call the vet or what. He limped his way under my bed, letting out a few sorry meows as he went. I raced for the phone, called the vet, and made the earliest appointment possible (8.45). I then called Michael to tell him I would be late... no answer... sms him as well to back it up. I grabbed Caspar's carry box, threw a tshirt in the bottom, and ushered him in.

When we got to the vets, I was stressing. I was worried about Caspar. I was worried about the potential cost. I sat, squating beside the chair I had placed Caspar's box on and talked to him, letting him know it would be all right. When the vet came, we took him into the room and the vet had a look. Checking his paw and range of movement, he summized that Caspar fortunately had no fractures, but a fairly badly bruised paw... but all going well, it should be normal before Friday. He gave him some pain killers all the same, just to help ease the pain for him.

Strangely, as soon as the consultation had finished, Caspar walked straight back into his box, turned around and sat back down as if to say, "Right, i'm ready to head home now!"

Relieved, I took him home and let the poor fellow out.

I sent Andrew an email when I got to work just to let him know what had happened so that he would play a little more lightly with Caspar over the next day or two. His reply made me laugh:

So you have a pill popping pussy?! I half expect to come home and find
Casper on the couch, fag hanging out his mouth with his bathrobe and
slippers on, drink Vodka, popping pills and eating bon bons whilst watching
daytime soaps and talking to the TV like he's actually having a conversation
with the characters! Hehe Oh the pictures in my head! Hehehhe lol

I went home at lunch time to check on my boy. His paw had blown up to nearly twice the size of the other, which had a rather endearing if not saddening effect. And the painkillers seemed to make him strangely affectionate and not so bitey. I decided I would like it if my cat was more doped up more often.

By that night, he was starting to chase things again and walking normally - emergency over for now. But it did give me a taste of what it must be like for a parent who sees their own children hurt for the first time, and that feeling of powerlessness, not being absolutely certain what to do but being driven by this force to help him. I can assure you that the window now stays shut in Caspar's room until I figure out what to do next (although knowing my luck, I fear him ever getting out and straying out front to the busy street!)

I should head to bed now... it is very late and Ant is already asleep. We went for a walk around Saint Kilda today to raise money for the Sacred Heart Mission, we being Michael Broderick, Tara, Ant, Hayley and myself. It was rather fun, and a great way to start a Sunday morning, but I had a bit of a power nap when I got home and now find it a little more difficult to get tired. There seems to be so much going on lately.

Firstly, there is a book project that I am working on. I can't say too much, but it is about an artist who I used to work closely on. The team that i've put together so far are the best that I could hope for, and we're meeting this week to discuss the next step and how we can get it all together, if not a little bit slow.

Secondly, there is a potential opportunity involving an international company that may become a bit of a part time job for me... but more on that as it comes to hand. Let's just say, considering my past history, that if it goes ahead, it will all be rather ironic but justifiable.

Time to try to sleep... but a reminder that 'Mumbo Italiano' is released on DVD in Australia this week and well worth checking out.

As usual, I will finish with some email humour... this one somewhat political, but from my Sydney friend David Dalton...

Subject: Republicans Respect Marriage?

Ronald Reagan - divorced the mother of two of his children to marry Nancy Reagan who bore him a daughter 7 months after the marriage.

Bob Dole - divorced the mother of his child, who had nursed him through the long recovery from his war wounds.

Newt Gingrich - divorced his wife who was dying of cancer.

Dick Armey - House Majority Leader - divorced.

Senator Phil Gramm of Texas - divorced.

Governor John Engler of Michigan - divorced.

Governor Pete Wilson of California - divorced.

George Will - divorced.

Senator Lauch Faircloth - divorced.

Rush Limbaugh - and his current wife, Marta, have six marriages and four divorces between them.

Senator Bob Barr of Georgia - not yet 50 years old, has been married three times. He had the audacity to author and push the "Defense of Marriage Act." The current joke making the rounds on Capitol Hill is "Bob Barr - WHICH marriage are you defending?!?)

Senator Alfonse D'Amato of New York - divorced.

Senator John Warner of Virginia - once married to Liz Taylor.

Governor George Allen of Virginia - divorced.

Representative Helen Chenoweth of Idaho - divorced.

Senator John McCain of Arizona - divorced.

Representative John Kasich of Ohio - divorced.

Representative Susan Molinari of New York (Republican National Convention Keynote Speaker) - divorced.

The bottom line - "Don't let gays destroy marriage - that's the job of the Republicans!"

   { Lol } { Monday, March 15, 2004 } { }

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