Thursday, December 04, 2003  

Little known facts about me...

#1. I am left handed... and a bit of a proud southpaw.
#2. On the phone, most people do not hear the name 'Lawrence' properly. They seem to hear Brian, Warren, Morris, and lately Mark... not sure how... but they do. One conversation the other day went something like this:

Me: Welcome to CDFA. Lawrence speaking.
Customer: Sorry, what was your name?
Me: Lawrence.
Customer: Ryan?
Me: Law-rence.
Customer: Brian?
Customer: ok. I'd like to order some CD's.

...It has now become a reoccuring joke amongst my co-workers.

#3. When I was growing up, my childhood idol was (ahem) Billy Joel. And to this day, I still own every album he has released.
#4. When I was a teenager, I phoned Michael Hutchence up in his room and chatted to him for 20 minutes.
#5. When I was in primary school, I would write and perform small plays for my class mates. I was a nerd.
#6. When I was a child, I wrote a book about my two cats getting married. ...explains a lot really, doesn't it...
#7. My nickname 'Lol' was given to me by my sister when I was very young. It came from the song 'My Boy Lollipop'. To this day, and long before internet jargon, my close friends and family call me 'Lol'.
#8. I find cows and chickens incredibly funny. I find people in cow and chicken outfits even funnier.
#9. I have a stuffed chicken that a friend Kieran bought me for my birthday once. He came from Ikea. He had a collar around his neck with the name 'Honan' on it. We call him 'Honan the Chickerian'.
#10. When I was a child, I could not stand the smell of popcorn.
#11. I pass out at the sight of blood, and refuse to watch horror films because of it.
#12. Although a James Bond fan, i've never seen 'License To Kill' thanks to my hatred of Timothy Dalton's Bond.
#13. I studied Psychology and English Literature at Uni.
#14. I took acting classes as a child at Judy Bank's School Of Television And Dramatic Art. My mother kindly worked hard to pay for these classes. I'm beginning to suspect that I was an ungrateful child.
#15. I have a quarter finished book on my hard drive that I should get around to finishing one day.
#16. I spend far too many weekends out nowadays.
#17. I have a phobia of domes but i'm getting better with it.
#18. I once upset English popstar Louise by accidently calling her a 'slapper in a mid-drift'.
#19. I hate slappers in mid-drifts.
#20. I once dated a comedian who is now on a network television comedy programme.

   { Lol } { Thursday, December 04, 2003 } { }

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