Thursday, December 18, 2003  

#1. I'm worried... in a good way... about my friend Seb, better known to the world as DJ Kinky, who has the habit of creating the most amusing and interesting conversational links. First off there was, "Puppies! They're great! They're just like real dogs but smaller!" Then there was, "Isn't women's basketball great? Now it gives tall women something to do on the weekend!" Not long after his last visit to Melbourne, I was sms'd "And what's with the mating cycle of the Lithuanian bumblebee? How do they find the time for personal grooming?" ...and finally today, I received "...and what's the deal with topography? Sure, it's useful for finding caves..." Let's face it, the man is a comic genius!

#2 I worry... in a frightened way... about my boyfriend Ant telling me that one of my Christmas presents requires a trollie to get it to my house, along with a delivery van. I haven't bought him anything yet. The sound 'eck!' and the words 'wha?' tend to spring to mind trying to figure out what to get him too...

#3 I worry... in a frustrated way... about how many people can actually send me bloody Queer Eye doing the Saddam make over... ok, once is fine... three times is expected... but TEN TIMES IN TWO DAYS!!! OK, I GET IT ALREADY!!!

#4 I worry... in an upsetting way... about my finances... I officially spend more than I earn... and I have now reached the point where I need to start stripping away the luxuries that I have come to expect for so long. I have to admit - I HATE living in a way where I have to take account of every cent spent. I hate potentially not being able to go out to enjoy a meal with friends because I can't afford it. I hate being forced into a position of being stuck at home when I would rather go out and par-tay. And I curse my independence for not always allowing myself to take others kind and generous offers up. But at the end of the day, there are so many others far worse off than me, and so I should always look around me and count my blessings. I have a fantastic circle of friends... a wonderful family... a home with a fantastic location and an awesome housemate... a doting boyfriend... and a job. Sure, I have financial debt and need to be very careful, but in the scheme of things, this WILL be temporary and my life will go on. In a few years time, I will be over my debt... but I will always have my friends.

#5 I worry... in a puzzled way... about spam that advertises about how to get rid of spam... go figure!

#6 I worry... in a 'am I losing my credibility way'... over the fact that I really don't mind the new Britney Spears album, 'In The Zone'. I mean, come on... even the name sucks... but there are some surprisingly awesome pop on this album. Some crap too, but hey - it is Britney now...

#7 I worry... in a 'keep alcohol away from me' way... about what pictures seem to be coming forward from Micheal and Matt's housewarming last Saturday night. I guess the moral is; keep alcohol, stuffed toys, a bag of sugar (yes, sugar... it was all for visual effect) and a digital camera away from me or else this happens:

#8 I worry... in a 'it must be obvious' way... about how 'obvious' I must be. I've always thought that I came across fairly 'average'. Not too camp. Not too 'butch'. Not too anything other than an everyday kind of guy. But I have to laugh at a recent conversation in the kitchen at work. Keep in mind that I have only been there for a couple of months now, and generally keep my private life fairly much to myself. Cheryl, who the conversation happened with, is actually really lovely... which makes me laugh about it all the more. Either way, I was preparing lunch, microwaving a quiche that Ant had made for me.

Cheryl: Oh, what are you having for lunch?
Me: Quiche!
Cheryl: (Looking in microwave as I open the door) Ahhh, that smells amazing!
Me: It's the fringe benefit of having a partner who is a chef.
Cheryl: Oh really? Where does he work? (awkward silence as she realises what she said) ...or she? This isn't awkward now, is it?
Me: (Laughing) HE works on King St...

   { Lol } { Thursday, December 18, 2003 } { }

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