Back, when I was at full swing at FMR, many of my friends complained that they never really got to see much of me. I've been cautious to not replicate this again, now that I am back in the music industry, but I have to admit that the past few weeks have felt more like the start of the year than that fateful day of July 22nd, 2003 for me. I know i've been terrible at updating my blog of late, so I guess this is a belated attempt to try to go through some of the key things that have been going on of late. As usual, I guess it is easiest to break it down into the various different aspects of my life.
Firstly, the most time consuming... work, which has been going well. Although I make no effort to hide that it has been somewhat exhausting lately. I've received a promotion, going up to the role of Product Manager; not bad for someone who has only been with CDFA for two months. And while I officially wear that title now, I guess I won't be fully stepping into that role for a couple of weeks, mostly due to the fact that we're one person down this week and we need to find my replacement in sales before I hand over the vast majority of my accounts. In a ironic but not too surprising twist, they've hired an ex-FMR'er to take on the role of Sales Manager, and so it does feel somewhat surreal at the moment. I truly do like the guys i'm working with. Will, my 'big boss' (I love laymen's terms) is a great guy, and i've known him for close to a decade now, back when he was my BMG sales rep when I was a buyer at JB. Tony, who I work closely with, has a fantastic sense of humour and makes the days just that little bit more tolerable with his witty comments and sarcastic humour. I still feel like I have a lot to learn, but i'm enjoying the challenges regardless of how tired and/or cranky I may become.
Andrew is still my housemate, thankfully. And Ant is still in the picture too, after hitting the three month mark last weekend.
Recent things of interest... let's see... I guess I need to comment on some of the visitors we've had of late. Firstly, there was the fabulous Seb/DJ Kinky, who came over to visit from Perth and who we did not want to go back. I've always adored him because of his blogs (Inferno In Disco - link to the top right) and the personality that jumps off the screen via the well crafted words. But I found the person even more positive and loveable in the flesh, and it just confirmed my suspicions that he is truly a unique individual who I find very inspiring. On top of that, he is a fabulous DJ talent, can sink chocolate vodka mudshakes faster than any other person, and has incredible taste in late night hudcap gifts. He will always be welcome in my 'study'.
Next up is James, better known to the internet and Kylie world as 'Project K'. I heard James was coming over, and was very keen to meet him. I'd always loved his mixes, feeling that he was the best 'fan remixer' out there. And especially after my misinterpretation that he was actually a 'duo' from France, when he is actually one very handsome man from Manchester... go figure! Even more refreshing was the fact that we found we had rather a lot in common, especially our love of music and years in music retail, and the time spent with him was equally spent discussing the countless other acts that we love as much as Kylie.
The third recent meet worth mentioning is that with Tom Parker, a rather infamous figure within the Kylie community based on his extraordinary knowledge of Kylie music and history. In fact, this dinner was spent with Tom Parker, James (Project K) and myself, a combination that (dare I say) may have sent some of the more hardcore collectors into an absolute frenzy. Again, like the two previously mentioned, I found Tom in person to be just as stimulating and 'real' as the sentences he constructs in an email or on a CD slick. Tom has relocated to Australia for a while; a concept that excites me greatly as I hope it gives me the opportunity to get to know this enigmatic and intelligent figure just that little better.
Speaking of Kylie, what did we think of the 'Money Can't Buy' telecast. Granted, it was disappointing that they cut a few tracks out ('Obsession', 'After Dark' and 'In Your Eyes'), but I personally really enjoyed it. Although I do agree with some criticisms that it has now become so slick that it sometimes lacks any 'realness', you can't help but sit back in awe at how far her performances have come. There is some level of appreciation, watching her slink her way onto stage like a foxy minx in front of huge panels projecting freshly shot treated footage that makes you realise that the red cardboard 'Locomotion' train prop may never be seen again. It does disturb me somewhat that I felt tracks like 'Red Blooded Woman' came across the strongest during the special, especially since I find that song lyrically rather 'blah', but I think 'Money Can't Buy' also achieved more than what it set out to do and for that, rah!
Have not been going out as much of late. Which means not as much dancing. Which, coupled with bad diet means gaining a little weight again. Which means that, with summer coming on, i'll probably go through an even greater paranoid phase soon and head into healthy diet zone. But let's face it, I probably need to anyway.
It's getting late now, and i'm tired. I know I have so much more to say, but don't know if I honestly have the energy to write it all tonight, or atleast do a posting that gives everything a sense of proper perspective and justice lately. I'm at a point where I am grateful but not necessarily content. I'm not necessarily happy but i'm far from sad. I have a sense of purpose, but i'm not necessarily sure I feel totally on track. But that is part of the beauty of life. I said to someone recently, or perhaps it was even here in a previous post, that 2003 has been nothing like what I expected, or perhaps even wanted, but it has been essential and will ultimately do me good, although I won't look back on it fondly. Especially after 2002, which I see as being one of the greatest years i've experienced to date, i've had my world shaken a bit, and one of the few consolations i'm walking away with is that fact that I can 'just do it'. I'm not the weak person I thought I was a few years ago. But at the same time, I sometimes wish I could just 'give up' although the reality is that there is nothing to give up to. I'm not sure if all of this makes sense, but I guess the crux of it all is comes back to a past motto i've always lived by; "no right or wrong steps, only steps forward". I'm not sure what kind of step this is (moonwalk?) but it's the only direction I will accept. As long as I continue to find a purpose and a perspective to what I do, then I know it will be alright.