Wednesday, October 08, 2003  

Sneaking in...

May as well, while there seems to be the time, sneak in to update this quickly from my new office pc...

So, I have a new Shock email... and I think i've got my head around the basics of the sales system here, and so I think i'm okay for the first day here. The guys are really friendly here (i've been lucky twice in a row now), and I think once i've decorated my area and start to get to know the guys, this will feel like home. People have already started to come forward and introduce themselves, and while that 'new kid on the block' feel will probably last a while, I can see myself fitting in well.

The bank was not willing to help me out with my legal costs. I figured that, since I already have a personal loan with them, I may as well just ask about getting an extension on that and paying it back. "All good!", they told me at the start of the call... but by the end, it was a "we can't help you..." It's more the conversation in the middle that tends to get to me more...

At one point, after asking how much I earned and all that sort of detail, they asked me about accomodation.

"So, how much rent do you pay?"
"Per calender month?"
"Do you have a housemate?"
"How much rent is it total?"
"Is your name on the lease?"

Now, at this point, I couldn't be bothered going through the agreement I have with the rent and decided to just say yes...

"And is your housemates name on the lease?"

Again, although there is no lease, I said "no..." After all, there was no lease, therefore no way a housemate could have his name on it.

"In that case, you have to wear the entire cost of the rent per month..."

Well, there goes my chances, me thinks...

After he told me that he couldn't help me out, I told him that I had no option then but to pay the amount out of credit cards...

"Are you sure? That's going to be expensive!", says Captain Obvious...
"I know... that's why I was phoning you...", I calmly state, "But unless you have any other suggestions, I have no option!"

The realisation lately though, is that it is only money. I'm not as concerned about all of this as I used to be, or as some would argue, I should be. I realise how essential it is, and certainly know that I need to earn enough to put a roof over my head and food on my plate... but I've also come to prioritize what is important in life... friends are important... family are important... having a sense of purpose is important... sometimes money may come into play there... money gives you independence... I don't say all this to play down the value of money... I just feel that sometimes people place too much emphasis on it. I don't want to be poor. And if someone came along and offered a wad of money to me, of course I would accept it. But at the same time, as long as I have fine friends... i'll be 'fine'. How very Epicurian of me, I guess.

I still feel like I have a backlog of recent things to talk about... all in good time I guess, since now I should be working... or atleast learning how to work... I'm sure there will probably be another thrilling installment sometime tonight though...

   { Lol } { Wednesday, October 08, 2003 } { }

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