Monday, October 13, 2003  

I warned you it would slow down...

...Kylie pun intended.

Speaking of Kylie, with the lack of official mixes in circulation at the moment, I took it upon myself to play around with my ACID software at home, and decided to do an hybrid bootleg mix of my own. The end result has been mixing 'Shake It' by that band who's name I can never remember how to spell but it looks like Mascaria along with 'Slow'... and so the 'Slow (Shake It Hybrid Mix)' was born. I had decided to burn it to disk to give to DJ Tony Svela at The Market over the weekend, passing it to him and saying, "hey, have a listen to this at home and tell me what you think..." On the PC, it sounded like it needed to mix levels adjusted a little but I was keen to get some feedback on it. Not more than an hour or two after I passed the disk to him though, it began blasting out of The Market's speakers, leaving me standing there freakin' out a little... "I told him to take it home first and listen!", I began yelping... but I was actually surprised by how good it did sound and it seemed to keep the dancefloor happening. So, yep, i'm rather proud of that little puppy, even if it was the simple act of mixing two tracks together and doing a bit of editing here and there. Speaking of which, if you want to check out the new clip, you can here.

Things with Ant are going well... we hit the six week mark this weekend, and i'm glad i've taken the approach of being a total open book with this. Certainly it means that there is no fear of confrontation as I raise everything on my mind comfortable that it can be discussed freely. He truly is a sweet man, and I guess i'm just enjoying getting to know someone new.

Speaking of enjoying someone new, I still have to sing praises for my new housemate, Andrew. Although he can be a tad evil sometimes (certainly humming the 'Wedding March' everytime I walk into the room as he knows it triggers my fear of commitment), he is ultimately one very real and genuine person who is exceedingly generous and kind... except for when he wants to torture you. Honestly, I doubt I could find a better housemate at the moment if I tried.

Onto the new job... CD Fulfillment... started Wednesday, but my new boss had extended her leave until Friday... and so i'm still without a proper job description at the moment but very hungry to sink my teeth into the action. The team here are GREAT - Tony and Michelle are just wonderful, both really different and really friendly, and to work with music again is just the best. I mean, we just had Roxy Music's Best Of on, and started the morning off with a touch of Minogue... can it get better than this? I think not! And moreso, they really respect what experience I have and are really keen for my thoughts on everything. I think I am going to grow to adore it here, and really pleased that I accepted this job. The only thing being on Friday last week, Kelly, my new boss, called me into the boardroom where she proceeded to tell me that she and Jeremy (my other boss) had handed in their resignations that morning and were leaving in two weeks. I was disappointed, as both Kelly and Jeremy seem absolutely amazing and I was looking forward to working with them... but I guess it is also good as it means that I feel like I am the start of a new order within CD Fulfillment. Anyway, keep your eyes posted for any future developments.

Ironically, where I am sitting at CDFA is where my previous boss, Craig Handley, used to sit when he worked for Shock. Take that as an omen, if you will.

Officially broke at the moment... but happy with where i'm at. Funny how a decade ago, lack of money would've stressed me out more than anything. Now, it's frustrating, but I know what my real priorities are.

Big congrats to Michael and Jimmy too, who celebrated their first anniversary this past weekend. They're still the perfect couple.

Track of the moment: Kristine W - Fly Again (Scumfrog Club Mix)

...but still loving 'Deepest Blue' (by Deepest Blue - out this week on Ministry Of Sound) and Kurtis Mantronik...

   { Lol } { Monday, October 13, 2003 } { }

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