Wednesday, September 17, 2003  

Ten entries from emails Part 3...

Entry #1
Context: Being too vulnerable and open in blogs.

You know what i've always believed - people can never knock you as long as you're honest and real. I don't think there is a problem in being an open book. They can criticise you if they want, but you can just merely reply that you're being honest with them, and isn't that ultimately one of the highest forms of respect you can give another person - to let them know honestly what you think of them, yourself and the world? That's what I believe anyway. Besides that, people want to hear about other humans, not perfectionists, not experts, but other people who are sometimes funny, sometimes flawed, sometimes scared - but always very real. It's why I think Amiel's album is so good... it's because she may be vulnerable in it, and the 'character' may be flawed, but it's very real and people can relate to that. That's the most important thing. So don't ever be concerned about what people may think cause what they think ultimately isn't important when you are just merely putting yourself out there... they don't need to read it afterall.

Entry #2
Context: My priorities when I go out.

...but you also know what my priorities are when I go out. 1) to dance and be with friends, 2) to have sambuca shots, and 3) to perve on cute boys... that's about it really...

Entry #3
Context: On being described as 'empowering'.

...the reality of the situation is that i'm actually a walking contradiction most of the time. I've been described as empowering and yet I often question my own abilities. I guess a lot of people do that... it's all part of being human and i've come to the conclusion that humanity is very good at contradicting itself. It's all part of that internal struggle where mankind is really not sure about what it wants, where it is going, frightened of the future, yada yada yada... and that's the difference in the two situations - empowerment is thinking about the future and being positive about it while doubt is thinking about the future and being frightened of it. It's all just a mindset really.

Entry #4
Context: Charisma...

...Charisma is an interesting factor... that undefinable 'spark' that ignites a person above the masses from which they've originated. But ask yourself this... are there levels of charisma?... you could argue that a lover would find their partner atleast charismatic to them? It may not necessarily work to the same mass level as someone like 'a Kylie'... but then, why does Kylie have it, but Dannii seem to struggle with it? Both are attractive women. Both have excellent voices. Both are talented. Both have excellent songs worthy of chart success. So why is it that Kylie has seemingly spent her career consistently at the top while Dannii has struggled to maintain a similar level of interest? Is it, in Kylie's own words, 'too much of a good thing'? Some could even argue that some of Dannii's earlier material were perhaps a little more 'sophisticated' than her sisters at the time... I certainly think 'Jump To The Beat' and the excellent Steve Silk Hurley produced 'Baby Love' were far more ahead of their time than they're given credit for... and certainly, in terms of club culture, far more credible. Anyway, enough of my reply rant...

Entry #5
Context: Appreciating Amiel.

She is remarkably mature for her age too. If the truth be known, I believe Amiel is a bit of an old soul. She certainly has a wisdom and articulation about her that most people in their early 20's are not able to utilise, and yet she does it so effortlessly and confidently. Yet, at the same time, she is so vulnerable. Again, it's all part of that human condition that makes us contradict ourselves. I find that I can easily identify with many of the songs on the album... the fact that a 30something year old gay guy can identify with the musings of a 20something year old girl suggests the broader spectrum of which Amiel's lyrics can actually cover. 'Missing The Music' is something I really relate to at the moment. I've certainly been the psycho character in 'Obsession' before too.

Entry #6
Context: Thoughts on wearing a suit...

I LOVED it. Infact, i'm considering going and buying a suit now cause I thought it just worked for me... talk about power walking everywhere, sunglasses on, snotty attitude... I was working it.

Entry #7
Context: Quote of the day (I didn't write this)

"Why is it you can sue McDonalds if you get fat, sue Marlboro if you get cancer but you can't sue wine companies for all the ugly people you shag?"

Entry #8
Context: Mental Health Days.

...yes, up until recently, I had never entertained the thought of mhd's, but now I completely understand why some people DO infact indulge in them... it makes sense and I definitely see it as a necessity. Infact, as warped as it may sound, although I was stuck in tense situations in court houses all of yesterday, it was nice not to be sitting infront of a pc with a headset on talking to knobheads all day too.

Entry #9
Context: Consistency in the music industry.

...I'm beginning to realise, and feel stupid for not realising sooner as the trait has been there all along, that consistency actually doesn't exist in the music industry. We're not always the golden boys. The public will not always be interested. The media will not always play your music. Your bosses will not always support you. Nor will they always keep the same responce or stance. Release dates will not always be set. Nor will prices. Nor love. Nor respect. It just keeps changing to whatever seems 'right' at the time, no matter how wrong it is. I guess that is the same with any industry where passions, egos, and a mistake that your job is actually a lifestyle comes into play. But I am sorry to hear that it all kind of fell flat cause I can understand how excited your were about the prospect of working for xxx... hell, who wouldn't be? We just have to both remain optimistic that we were meant to be working in that industry and that we will both return there... But I guess it is such a competitive dog eat dog industry that it tends to bring out more of the 'dog' in people...

Entry #10
Context: My 'world'...

...Mind you, I find myself still feeling like my current world is all very surreal and wondering when it will all snap back into normal... only to realise that this is the new normal... this is my new 'brown'.

Wanna email me? Do so at lol_at_work@hotmail.com

And lastly... from Yazzi:

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe. ceehiro

   { Lol } { Wednesday, September 17, 2003 } { }

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