Tuesday, September 16, 2003  

I actually have the worst headache today. I think it is a combination of many things. Firstly, the constant repetition of my job, asking the same questions in my faux submissive voice...

Me: Welcome to Alphalink... how can I help you?
Customer: Ahh, yes... i've been overseas for a few weeks and have just got back to discover that my internet has been disconnected and i'd like to renew my... erm... er...
Me: Account.
Customer: Yes, thank you.

Note #1: It is extraordinary how many people have just returned from overseas... this isn't just an observation i've made but something the customer support team have commented on. Easily, the #1 reason why an account has slipped is because people seem to be constantly overseas.

Me: Absolutely! Can I have your login name?
Customer: er... I don't know that.
Me: Your email address?
Customer: oh! Wilaabuk (said incredibly fast) w i l double a b u k...
Me: (struggling to keep up) Sorry... could you say that again please?
Customer: (sighing in disgust at having to repeat themself and repeating it like i'm hard of hearing) w... i... l... double a... b... u... k...
Me: thank you. Can I ask what name the account is under please?
Customer: my name.
Me: And that would be?
Customer: Chris.
Me: Sorry, Chris - what's your surname there? (needed for confirmation)
Customer: Wilab.
Me: (thinking 'FINALLY!') thank you. That will be $220 to renew that account... how would you like to pay for that?
Customer: credit card thanks.
Me: Ok, can I have your card number please?
Customer: 4567
Me: Yes
Customer: 0055
Me: Aha
Customer: 6532
Me: Hmm
Customer: 3245
Me: ...and expiry date?
Customer: 0504
Me: and the name on the card?
Customer: Commonwealth Bank.
Me: No, not the bank name... the name on the card...
Customer: er... I don't understand what you're asking.
Me: Is it your name on that card?
Customer: oh! Yes!
Me: Is it just Chris Wilab?
Customer: yeah, yeah mate...
Me: Right... now if you turn the card over, the last three digits in your signature strip.
Customer: er... (silence)... what was that?
Me: The last three digits in your signature strip on the back of the card...
Customer: There isn't any number there...
Me: Look in the signature strip...
Customer: (like he has just found the meaning of life) OH! 4565...
Me: So, 565...
Customer: Yeah, 4565.
Me: ok... i'll just grab a receipt for you.
Customer: what was that?
Me: Receipt... i'll just grab one for you.
Customer: oh, ok...

*Pause while the computer generates a receipt number*

Me: Ok... the receipt number is 207...
Customer: Yeah, hold on mate... i've got to get a pen...
Me: (rolling eyes) ok...

*Another pause, about the same length as the one the computer took to generate the receipt in the first place, while customer finds a pen to write down the number I just informed him I was going to supply*

Customer: yeah, ok...
Me: 207...
Customer: 207...
Me: 086...
Customer: 806...
Me: No, 086...
Customer: 806... 086?
Me: no, 207... 086...
Customer: (obviously not getting it down right still) um... yeah... okay... so that's it?
Me: Yes, you're done for another year now.
Customer: oh, ok.
Me: ok.
Customer: ok.
Me: ok then.
Customer: ok, bye.
Me: bye.

Repeat again and again...

It's torture.

It's the same questions over and over.

And yes, it does tend to be a bit mind numbing...

So that is the first reason for my headache.

Secondly, while I absolutely love the game, I suspect the game of Collapse that i've become recently addicted to is also another culprit. I'm sure staring at fast paced coloured blocks all day is likely to do my head in but it seems fun at the time.

But I am also aware that this game has perhaps stopped me from posting so much crap on here, and let's face it - the information that i've been posting here lately has hardly been relevant to myself. Infact, information on upcoming DVD's might be all well and good for some, but I guess i've been deliberately secretive and enigmatic about my existence of late. And while I see I have perhaps 8 minutes to my working day here today left, perhaps it is a good opportunity to tell you a little bit of what has been going on for me of late...

This past fortnight has been all about change. My new housemate has moved in, and I have to say that he is one of the more remarkable housemates that i've ever had. Exceedingly considerate, he is the type of housemate who will phone you from the supermarket to see if you need anything, or sms you to check if you've had anything to eat while he is preparing dinner. He comes to the supermarket with me and demands on chipping in with the costs. I have to say that I feel very lucky to have found such a wonderful housemate to share with at the moment, and certainly his consideration makes me even more considerate of him.

Things with Anthony have been going well. He passed on Saturday night with flying colours (not that there was any intentional or deliberate 'test), as we went out with two seperate groups of friends but it wasn't a clingy evening by any means. Certainly, I can't stand partners that cling and he is definitely not that type at all. We still caught up often during the night and had fun, but it was as much about our friends as it was about each other, which is what you would hope to expect at this relatively early stages. So, yay to that too! I guess I want to stress that, in early stages, I hate people that suddenly become immediate couples and so it feels good to be involved in something that is more naturally evolving.

The 'FMR thing' is all wrapped up now, and an outcome has been resolved. I guess now that this outcome has been achieved, I can actually start writing about what happened now, but I guess that is for a little later on as it is rather involved and complex. And honestly, I think I have to be tactful and diplomatic about how I word things all the same. Regardless, it goes without saying that I have a lot of respect, love and passion for FMR, but certainly feel that this whole experience has taught me a lot.

Lots more going on that i'm not sure I really want to talk about right now for fear of jinxing myself, but as I said - It feels like a period of change. Here's hoping for more optimistic updates abundent with change soon. Now, to go play those blocks again...

   { Lol } { Tuesday, September 16, 2003 } { }

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