Saturday, September 27, 2003  

The best laid plans of mice and men...

So, I actually thought I had a dinner on last night, but it turns out that I was getting ahead of myself by a week, and that I actually had the night free. I've been suffering from fatigue all week (for some unknown reason), and decided to have a quiet night in.

In the mail had arrived a new mixed CD from Perth DJ legend... nah, GOD... DJ Kinky, and it had more than sufficiently satisfied my need for some butt wiggling music. As I stood there, wiggling my butt in the most funky manner possible in my bedroom, I wondered who I should call. With Micheal 'The Hussey' Ritchie back in town, the answer was clearly obvoius.

Phoning Micheal, he had received a plethora of invitations out, including one to catch up with the gorgeous Angie (think Karen Walker from 'Will & Grace'), and from Kieran & Tim to go to The Laird (a Melbourne mens 'leather bar' for all those who don't know). He was feeling in a similar mood to me... a bit tired... flat... perhaps in need of some company but not too much hassle... and in the end, he popped over for 'a coffee'.

Stupidly, I suggested that we should race across the road to Duncans, the pseudo 24 hour bottle shop from where I live... it isn't really open 24 hours but it never seems to be shut... we picked up a cheap bottle of Cockatoo Ridge and a couple of little bottles of strawberry infused champagne, simply cause the bottles looked nice (yes... yes... yes, we are truly gay men). Settling back at home with my wine glasses that double as swimming pools, we emptied the contents of said strawberry infused liquid into the glasses, popped on some more DJ Kinky action, and got down to some serious one on one socialising.

Note that around this time, the new Tim Deluxe track 'Less Talk More Action' came on... Micheal screwed up his nose...

"I don't like this", he said very matter of factly.
"But it's Tim Deluxe", I replied in the most plea-like 'like me' voice possible... "You liked 'It Just Won't Do'!"
"Yeah, but I got over that."
"You LOVED it at the time."
"Yeah, but i'm sick of it now. I'm not really a Tim Deluxe fan."
"Well...", I said, knowing my Hussey a little too well, "Let's see how you feel about it in a couple of years time when it comes on!"

For those that don't get what I mean about this, you'll realise before the end of the post.

Strawberry champers gone, and working our way through the bottle, housemate and totally gorgeous individual we love named Andrew comes home. We immediately produce a third glass, much to his protests about having to get on an early flight tomorrow morning to go to New Zealand, and fill it with wine.

Hussey and Andrew get along famously, as to be expected as they're both fabulous individuals. Infact, I couldn't be more pleased with the fact that Hussey is home and that Andrew is my new housemate. By this stage, after a combination of tiredness and a light dinner, the wine is beginning to go to my head. I start giggling about stupid things... not finishing sentences... and start to refer to the strawberry infused champagne as 'pink faggot necture'. I convince the rest that we need more, and scurry across the road to buy three more small bottles of faggot necture and another bottle of wine.

By now, Micheal and I are getting nostalgic, talking about nights where previous housemates have brought home dates only to find Micheal and I bouncing off the walls dancing in the loungeroom maniacally (and scaring said date off... we were held to blame for months after that), and even just our usual clubbing habits (propped up at bar... heads nodding... notice both are doing the same thing... let out a stupid giggle... hug... go back to being propped up at bar with heads nodding...) Before long, the idea of going to The Laird is thrown up into the air (fortunately, the only thing that was thrown up all night). I protest I have nothing to wear (definitely nothing in leather). Andrew protests about his early morning flight. I find something that I think is okay in the wardrobe. Andrew phones co-worker to discover that he is out at the Xchange and therefore sees this as permission to go out. Within minutes, we're out the door.

As we're walking out the door, 'Less Talk More Action' comes back on. Micheal lets out a delighted squeal and says something about "lovin' this track". I point out that no more than an hour earlier, he told me that he didn't like it. Ahhh, the mysteries of those loveable but forever mind changing Gemini's. Wonder if Kylie is like that?

Now, let me get this right... obviously I was a bit tipsy as I decided to go to The Laird in a) tan pants with b) a synthetic woollen tan with brown strips cardigan.... I mean... "?" What was I thinking? While I don't think I got too many stares, it was obviously clear that I wasn't wearing the right thing. However, if you weren't wearing half a cow or blue jeans with a Bonds tshirt, you kind of stood out. This was, however, the first time that Micheal and I had been out since his surprise return last weekend, and the first time Andrew and I had been out, so it was a special evening.

We stood in the backroom bar, checking out the boys as they walked around. There was one particular boy in a white tshirt with a sensational body and cute smile that caught all three of our attentions. I loudly said, "That boy in the white tshirt just there is just stunning!" at the top of my voice, perhaps not realising how loud I was. He turned around to see who said it. Micheal and Andrew quickly looked away to avoid being sprung. I was too drunk and so I just kept staring at him grinning stupidly. He smiled back and went back to his conversation with his friends.

I was actually surprised at:
a) how many people I knew were there
b) how many cute boys were there
c) how many cute boys Micheal and I would've jumped only to find that Andrew had already been there
d) how many cute boys Andrew and Micheal would've jumped only to find that I had already been there
e) how difficult it is to get a cubicle there
f) how young the crowd was
g) how much the DJ looked like a Village Person
h) how non-commercial the dance music actually was, and lastly
i) I need, I need you... sorry, had to chuck a tiny Stacey Q joke in there.

Grand final day today, which makes me think of the lovely Charlie Fenn at FMR... she'll be all Collingwood crazy today... rare you'll find me saying this, but good luck to them for Charlie's sake! Infact, the game would be over as I type this, but I have total indifference to it and will probably find out the results on Monday when someone mentions it to me. I love Grandfinal day for shopping... so much easier than any other day.

Anyway... woke up this morning, feeling a little seedy, but toddled off to my volunteer work that I do... all good... and now, just resting up wanting for Ant to arrive and to get ready for the final Piano Bar at Chapel Off Chapel tonight. It's going to be sad but we might as well see it off with a big 'Rah!'

   { Lol } { Saturday, September 27, 2003 } { }

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