It's been so long since I last 'blogged' that I honestly can't recall where I left things off.
A quick recap - we got the place on High St in the old school and have, in fact, already moved in. Or, more accurately, are still in the process of moving at the moment. It appears that my friend Lyle will be moving back into Chez 390 for a third time, which thrills me no end as I didn't want to shut the door on that place (no pun intended) and to have someone I know and trust take over that place is an enormous relief for me. I don't mind admitting that last Saturday, as we were moving, I was rather teary for most of the day. It did lead Ant down a "why are you making me feel guity" routine, but I just had to leave that where it was as I don't think he would understand if I explained that this had nothing to do with him and a lot to do with seven years of great memories and laughs. Chez 390, for all of it's faults, was a wonderful home and one I will have a special spot for.
But the future is all about High St right now and it is shaping up nicely, although not without the usual heated discussions between Ant and I on priorities. A dining table has been his priority for the last week - mine has been moving and trying to get work done since i'm on call for the past three days and it has been fairly busy.
We also seem to have a rather unusual problem in the form of a spirit child... yes, a ghost. This has been highlighted more by the cats than anything else. On the first evening when we brought them over, they were, understandably, very 'freaked out'. By the next morning, they seemed fine. However, in the past day or so, things have gone a little strange.
On the first evening, Ant was in the shower when the door opened by itself. The next day, a light bulb popped out of it's stand not once but twice. But the most unusal of all was the third incident; expecting guests back to our place, we had made up the bedroom and closed the door so that the cats couldn't get in and mess it up. Earlier that day, I had placed a very full and heavy pink pig moneybox on the tall boy dressed next to the lamp (with the popping lightbulb). When we got home and opened the bedroom door, the pig had gone from the tall boy to the floor, sitting upright and just a little under my work bag. It had us truly perplexed.
Now, Caspar seems to be loving the new home, playing with 'someone' all day and being the most loved up we've seen him although he has been unnecessarily mean to Sammy. Sammy seems frequently frightened, scared and on edge like someone is bullying him and constantly hiding behind the bed or toilet. I used to be able to look in Sammy's eyes and see nothing but pure love and a locked gaze - now, rather distant and removed.
We believe it is a small boy who likes to play and that he seems friendly although isn't confirned to our apartment. However, I would like to find a medium who could tell me more on our spirit - who he is, what is his name, when did he die, and what is keeping him from crossing over? And more importantly, if we could talk to him about the cats!
I best go as I have a lot to do but now we're in the new place and, despite dial ups, I should be able to write more frequently.
Well, the big news is that we scored the loan and, therefore, are now the owners of a two bedroom mortgage. It's been an interesting ride, to say the least. And if the past few months have been anything to go by and, with settlement looming on the horizon, i'm sure the ride is far from over. Is it all worth it? Ask me in January when i'm sitting in my new home. Actually, settlement is in the next fortnight but I suspect we'll be moving over Christmas where possible.
Finally got to try Krispy Kreme's. After years of hearing about them, they finally opened a store in Chadstone. They're pretty damn fine; Ant and I polished off a 12 box between the two of us (well, 11... Colin had one). It was fine until we went out for drinks last night at Lyle's work do Christmas party and, after a couple of drinks, every time we belched, it tasted like a Heineken Krispy Kreme.
Kylie this time next week. Robbie in a fortnight. Scissor Sisters now touring, rounding out possibly the best summer of concerts ever.