Saturday, May 15, 2004  

More emails...

I think we've strongly established the point that I suck at updating my blog when my life seems on track. However, for those who do read this (amusing concept if ever there was one), rest assured that I suck at everything from replying to emails through to making phone calls to friends. Doesn't mean I don't think of you, and it doesn't mean that I shouldn't aim to improve it, but it's a fact of life, along with taxes, death and trouble (thanks Marvin!)

But jumping back a bit to emails, as i've demonstrated in the past, often the best way to get a concept of my life is through my random cyber virtual scrawls to my friends, which happen 24/7. Which is probably why I turn back to them often enough to update this.

So, here we go... my (seemingly monthly) update of latest cyber sharings, what i'm listening to, fascinating links, and bits of trivia that would probably only really intrigue someone like me.

Recommended link #1: Dirt Cheap CD's... must admit that I haven't tried them yet though!

Recommended link #2: MSY... after computer things and need them cheap? This place is it. I mean, last time I went there, I paid $38 for a spindle of 50 blank Princo DVD's! These guys are great!

Recommended link #3: 80's fun! Enough said!

Email #1: On Britney's concert: Hope things have been well. I was only just thinking of you last night actually, as I went to a friends place and we watched a tape he had of the recent Britney concert. And all the way through it, I kept seeing all these Madonna references. Not that Madonna was ever the first to bring sexual tension or faux masturbation scenes to the pop arena, but it did seem to give me a sense of deja vu. Thankfully, Kylie has yet to write any songs about pleasing herself (I guess she realised that you could never beat Cyndi's 'She Bop') and so we've been saved from Kylie putting any such stunts in her shows... yet.

Email #2: Heater Man (Part 1): Had a guy come out today to look at our gas heater (which has died)... and can I say... YUM!!! English boy who was just drop dead gorgeous. I defintely have a thing for tradesmen! lol! Between Scott the plumber and Dave the heater guy, it's drool city. Our heater is 34(!!) years old, and it may actually need to be replaced as too many of the elements are useless and potentially dangerous.

Email #3: Scissor Sisters album: I'm totally smitten on the Scissor Sisters album. My partner and I were listening to it all the way up and back from my parents yesterday (that's over an hour drive each way) and the more I hear it, the more i'm convinced it's one of the best albums this year. It's just a shame that reviewers only get a certain time period to review in, but I guess these kind of albums reap the benefits at the end of the year for the inevitable reviewers wrap ups.

Email #4: 'Catching up' with a friend after a year or so...: I've been seeing someone for 10 months... which, for someone like myself, who is fairly commitment phobic, is something of an achievement. Let's just say that, in the space of one year, my life seems to be the most extreme it could be. This time last year, I was seemingly working 9am-midnight Mon-Fri with a quick break for breakfast, lunch and dinner and a quick pop into gym should I feel energetic enough... I had no housemate... had no time to find a housemate... lived on cereals, sandwiches and lean cuisines... didn't speak to friends during the week and lived for the weekend when I would generally head out and get trashed... and now I have a 8.30-5.30 Mon-Fri job that I walk to in the mornings, spending my day mostly just talking to people and lining up jobs... I have a part time business for a UK record collectors company... working on a book project... have a partner... who is a chef (and so i'm always well fed)... have a housemate... who also has a partner... and so there is something like four of us in my tiny place... along with my cat (which I would've never had before because I wasn't home enough)... stress levels seem so much more controllable since i'm not trying to maintain $400k budgets for an artist that needs to sell 2 x platinum just to recoup all the spent costs... strange thing is, I still miss the music industry to a large degree but I guess after 10 years in it, that is bound to happen. But yes, lots of changes.

Email #5: Telling a former co-worker about Esprit: I've told you about my new part time work with Esprit in London? I've learned so much about being forward and direct in the past 12 months that it astounds me. I tend to wonder how I would've gone there doing marketing knowing what I know now and with some of the newer skills i've developed. I don't think I would've lasted... I think I would've been asked to leave for disagreeing too much! lol!

Email #6: The fickleness of people in the music industry (not that I feel resentment or anything...): It seems like people are slowly dropping off one by one, and i'd like to think, since I invested 10 years in that industry, that I might be able to retain a handful of people who liked me for me! lol! At the moment, it seems Dean and yourself are the only two people who actually seem to show any interest in me from the past five years of my life... that's a little depressing, and probably why it's been something of an issue for me... but hey, c'est la vie, carpe diem, and any other internationally inclined phrase I can throw in the air to show some form of brave face. Some I know are truly just busy... that happens. Others though, you just know you've been 'blocked out', and you tend to wonder why with a baffled curiosity that you wish you could just figure out. Thus the puzzle of letting go!

Email #7: Going on Duramine: Went to the doctor last night. I've gained so much weight in the last six months, and my metabolism has virtually slowed to a pained crawl. I've rejoined the gym, but find I have absolutely no energy to go, and when I do, it is a half hearted attempt. Decided to visit the doctor and see if there is anything out there that I can go on to kick start my metabolism back up and get me back in the gym. He said there were two options - anti-depressants (I pointed out that I was frustrated and NOT depressed, and felt like that wasn't a viable option for me), or to go on Duromine. And so I took the second option. Michael has joked that he is going to have to build a cage around me at work to ensure I don't bounce off the walls too much. But I only intend to be on them for one course, enough to get me into the gym and build up my strength a little so that my metabolism can actually rebuild naturally. As I said - what's the point of science if it can't get me back in the gym?

Email #7: Explaining that i'm not depressed (Part 1): Esteem isn't down... it would be like how you are with your 'pot belly'... you live with it but you don't like it... i'm just taking it that next step... i'm taking it to the 'i'm paying $55 a month for a gym membership and i'm sleeping through it - this needs to change!', and that is why i'm doing it. Besides, I feel exhausted all the time thanks to this slow metabolism and when i'm like that, I only feel half the person I could be. I need to address that so that I can find that 'drive' that gets me being the 'better' person. It's hard to explain but i'm sure you'll follow what I mean. The doctor actually applauded me for taking action to do something about it, so I guess I need to sit down and plan out exactly how to do this, ensuring that I do eat right and get to gym while on this course to benefit the most from it.

Email #8: The debate over 'enhancements': Yeah, I think it is funny how people view things such as duromine or steroids or botox... etc. While there are certain lengths I wouldn't personally go to, i've always believed that if it makes you feel better about yourself, you can afford it, and it doesn't effect anyone else in anyway, then why not do it? So, i'll be speeding for a month? Big deal! It just means that i'll be witty on the phone, have increased productivity, be more lively, and getting into gym more and being more positive... wow, how horrible... not sure if I would do steroid... sure, it has shrinkage, but it also has the bitch tit thing happening too... which leads me to Miriam...

Email #9: Work humour: I had a great break with one of my clients yesterday, and told Michael. He said, 'How do you feel?' I said, 'Elated! But i'm not sure if that's the duramine...' I had to resist the urge to get up, blow a whistle, and dance to JJJ yesterday though.

Email #10: Heater Man (Part 2): Got an invoice for the heater guy yesterday, at $100 odd bucks just to come out, tell me the heater was old (der!), dangerous (double der!), and that it would probably need replacing (care for a hat trick?)... seems to be the most expensive perve i've had yet. I'll have to phone them today and tell them that, while their accounts department seem very on the ball, their customer service is appalling as, had I not phoned earlier in the week, it would've been one week without hearing a thing from them... and I still don't know what they're doing. Not good.

Bonus Email: Explaining that i'm not depressed (Part 2): (A friend questions if it is 'safe') Yeah... but seriously, i'm more likely to be safer taking [Duramine] than snorting some backyard made crap that comes in little money bags, yes? David actually said 'why are you depressed? you've got a great job and a great boyfriend!', and I agreed, pointing out that I wasn't depressed, but frustrated. I spent a lot of time and money to lose that weight and now it has all come back, making me feel like i've wasted that time and money. It doesn't personally make me feel good about myself, and if there is anyone I need to make sure is happy first and foremost, it's me... cause my own stance with myself is going to effect my relationships with those around me, including my job and my boyfriend. It's superficial, and I recognize that... but if it is important enough to worry me, it's important enough to do something about. I was happy that yesterday, I actually turned away food cause I just wasn't hungry... that's a good thing. Happy that I had enough energy to get to the gym. And on the whole, felt 'up' cause I actually felt awake and with it. I was saying to Ant last night that it really did drive home how slow my metabolism has become and why it is important for me to address it for my own well being, happiness and productivity.

More bonus emails (it's a long catchup): Scissor Sisters (Part 2): Another side tip - check out a band called Scissor Sisters if you haven't already. Imagine Elton meets Bowie meets Bee Gees meets Duran and you get something like where this band are at. There are also rumours that a certain Australian pint sized pop export is going to do a track with them. I can't stop listening to their album - they're just 'camp' (they have a song called 'Tits On The Radio' - how Queen!) but with some great melodies to back it all up. A bit like the UK's The Darkness, but not as 'rock' (although I love The Darkness too... they crack me up!)

That's it for me for a little while longer... it's all sex, drugs, and Scissor Sisters for me lately to be honest. If you want to email me, click here.

   { Lol } { Saturday, May 15, 2004 } { }

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